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It is illegal to meld in such a way as to leave yourself with only one card, unless either. If you are not going out, you must have at least two cards in your hand after melding: one to discard and one to continue play. In case (b) although you discard the last card of your original hand, making the initial meld entitles you to draw three or four bonus cards from the deck and use those to continue play. There are certain restrictions on discards: Threes can never be discarded. It is illegal to discard a wild card, except in the following cases: You may discard a wild card as your final discard, when going out. In rare cases, you may reach a situation where your hand consists entirely of wild cards. If on your turn you then draw yet another wild card, you may discard a wild card of your choice. The next player is not allowed to take the pile (since there are no natural cards that can match your discard). If requested by an opponent, you must show your hand to prove that you had only wild cards. When the discard pile is empty (on the first turn of the game, or when you have taken the pile at the start of your turn), it is illegal to discard an ace or a seven, unless these are the only natural cards you have in your hand at the time you discard, bonus de cazino online fără depunere instantaneu. If you discard an ace or seven in this situation, you must show your hand if requested by an opponent, to prove that you had only aces, sevens and wild cards. When the discard pile is empty it is illegal to discard a 'dead' card - a card of the same rank as a completed canasta belonging to either team - unless you have no legal alternative. If requested by an opponent you must show your hand to prove that the only cards you had other than dead cards were sevens, aces and wild cards. Threes in American Canasta. If you are dealt any threes, red or black, in your initial hand, you should normally begin your first turn by placing all your threes face up in the space that will be used for your team's melds. What's more, Playing with Fire ' a side-splitting comedy starring John Cena ' will be released on Black Friday!. With more than 1 000 seats across 6 cinemas and the latest digital technology in sound and projection, as well as a private bar ' our Johannesburg South cinema promises a memorable movie viewing experience that will have you coming back for more! Buy one ten pin bowling ticket and get one absolutely free ' only on Friday, 29 November! If you didn't already know ' the Magic Company offers 12 state-of-the-art ten-pin bowling lanes. Cosmic bowling under UV lights will fascinate and entertain both young and old! Gold Reef City Theme Park. Calling all thrill-seekers and daredevils, bonus de cazino online fără depunere instantaneu. 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